Hi, my name is Phil North. I am currently a student at UCLan in Preston studying Creative Writing and Journalism and have been given the opportunity to study my second year at Central Connecticut State University. Here is where you will be able to find out about my experiences, opinions and just how well I'm adjusting to the US way of life.
Sofia has been asking for a while now whether or not there are foot races locally for her to take part in as a way of getting off of campus and keep fit. Evan is well educated in finding these races as whenever he feels the need to update his wardrobe, he signs up for a run and gets a free t-shirt. However it wasn't Evan who put the information forward to Sofia, I put the nails in my own coffin as I found a calendar online when I should have been doing work and e-mailed it to her. Shows that procrastination does not pay off in the long run. So here we were having to wake up at 6am on a Saturday so that we could drive to Roxbury Connecticut to run a 2.4mile/3.9km race. I only have myself to blame.
Pre-Race Smiles - The Hill Knocked That Off Of Me
As we arrived Evan and I stripped off our tracky bottoms and jumpers to be the only ones running in t-shirts and shorts. Well, that's if you can call Evan's shorts; I've seen male Germans sunbathing wearing more. Sofia thought we were crazy as she tightened her snood. The race began and I set off ducking and diving amongst the crowd. It reminded me of leaving Ewood Park and trying to get back to the car as people dilly dally in the way. The idea was for Evan to run with me until the end to push me forward, but even though he no longer runs competitively a start gun sets something off in his head and he dashes for the lead.
As I tried to keep him in sight I realised that I was probably going too fast for the distance involved but kept it up determined not to finish too far behind him. I even got a little cocky as I overtook racer after racer and Evan remained in my sights. That was until the hill. Now this was no regular hill, this thing was horrible and did not want to end anytime soon. I pushed on and didn't stop despite my legs rapidly turning to jelly as all those I cockily overtook earlier eased past me, I guess it pays to be a local and know the course. As I reached the top it was time to come back down, not as fun as it sounds at all.
Sofia Crosses The Line
Not knowing the course at all I cursed to the Gods as I turned left to find another hill, luckily this was the last couple hundred yards to the finish line where Evan met me laughing as I coughed my lungs up as the cold air hit the back of my throat. I hadn't recovered by the time we got home, let alone when Sofia crossed the line.
Evan - 8th, 15 minutes 46 seconds with a pace of a 6min 34sec mile.
Me - 30th, 18 minutes 2 seconds with a pace of 7min 31sec mile.
Sofia - 49th, 20 minutes 44 seconds with a pace of 8min 38sec mile.
Evan happily told me that although there were 81 racers in total, 4 girls finished ahead of me and a 14 year old boy finished second. I can't wait until the young lad discovers alcohol and starts falling further back in the order. Evan also happily told me that based on age/weight ratio I was the fattest there, if not heaviest overall. Cheers mate. I just hope there isn't a hill like that next time.
As I have no lessons on Friday, I decided to go with Evan to go and buy some hay bales for the animals that they keep at his mum's house. Although The fact that the sheep had just had their first two lambs of the year was really the main reason to go if I'm being honest.
(Left) Bucky Doesn't Like The Snow (Right) "Oh Look, Another Human"
Bucky Had A Heavy Night
When Not Led In The Barn, You'll
Find Major Stood In The Sun Eating
The Same Patch Of Grass
Ever Seen The Film 'Black Sheep'?
When we arrived, Evan's cat, Bucky was sunbathing on the porch to greet us. This cat is the laziest cat that I've ever met, you can do anything to this cat and he just takes it. Ever since he was a kitten, Evan has thrown him up in the air and catches him whenever he sees him. This affection is known as 'Upsy Daisy' and Bucky doesn't fight, doesn't struggle, he doesn't even panic whilst in mid air. Snowballs have been thrown at him, only for his reaction to be sniffing the snow. Pillows have been thrown at his sleeping body only for him to stretch as a response, followed by going back to sleep. He also is the only cat I know who comes when you call his name. A few years ago Evan's mum ran over the poor little guy when parking her car. As with my cat, Bucky recognises his owners car and thinks that it won't hurt him and runs underneath before the car has stopped. On this particular day Evan's mum hit Bucky and broke his ribs. Pushing them roughly back into place, Bucky then lay in a cardboard box for a few days before venturing out again. He seems OK and
the vet didn't even say anything the next time he had to go. The day after the blizzard, Evan decided to have some fun with poor Bucky (see video) although revenge was had when he went straight up the stairs and onto Evan's bed without even drying himself off. Touche, Bucky. Touche.
The sheep were demanding food and water as the trough had frozen but we left them for the time being and went into the stable to see the new arrivals, a little white one and a little black one. As we went in, Major the horse was led outside the pen holding the sheep looking inside. Major is in his 40's and doesn't have many of his teeth left, his activities range from sitting in the stable and standing in the sun eating the same patch of grass. Apparently during the summer, the grass grows really long and yet he eats from the same small patch as the lush grass around him remains uneaten. Old men are renowned for not liking change.
I Want A Pet Lamb
The little white lamb has got to the age where he ventures a little away from mother, but then when he realised that he's not next to her he runs back. The little black one is younger and sticks by his mother's side permanently. He hasn't even learnt to clean his own arse as sheep mess clung to his legs and tail. The white lamb's mother was very protective and circled me, bleeting as I held the little guy. Unfortunately the two little lambs (a third is on the way) aren't going to make it to adulthood and will be eaten by Evan and his family before the end of the year.
The Yorkshire Side Of Me Came Out To Play
When we returned to Central, we thought that it would be rude not to stop by at Hooters for some wings. Here we learnt that on a Thursday they have all you can eat boneless wings from 6pm until closing. It seems that there may be an evening of eating and drinking whilst watching one of the numerous T.V's on the walls. It would be rude not to.
When I get home I may put into process applications for Hooters Restaurants to be built all over England. When I looked up if we already had one I found that we have a restaurant in Nottingham with plans to build one in Bristol. I also found a very funny article from the FeMail section of the Daily Mail. Does anyone else sense a little bit of jealousy from Liz Jones?
A Hooters In The Centre Of Clitheroe Would Be
At 25 years old people tend to look at me weird when I tell them that I've never been to a concert. I'm pretty sure that the only live music I've attended is a guy at a Grindleton F.C Presentation Night. I'm not 100% sure as the reason for never attending but it may be down to money, or that people I like don't come to the North of England very often.
Hongi & I Arrived Early To Avoid The Crowds
Hongi on the other hand is a concert girl and has seen numerous people in Germany, but being in America has opened up the possibility of seeing some of her favourites. Strangely enough we have a very similar taste in music and one of our favourite bands, Matchbox Twenty, were playing locally. Unfortunately we left it a little late for tickets and it sold out very quickly. Next up was another couple of names high up on her list, 3 Doors Down (who I like) and Daughtry (not heard of them). With extra money in my pocket due to a month of sobriety I decided to join her.
3 Doors Down
The venue was the Mohegan Sun Casino in Norwich, Connecticut. This place is huge with restaurants, bars, shops, cabaret, concert venue, club, and of course a casino. I even won some money whilst I was there without even going on a machine. I found a wad of notes on the floor of the casino as we walked through, only to get a kick in the balls when I found that it was only 3 dollar notes; gutted.
I Found Out That Nothing Gets
A Crowd Going More Than
A Duet.
We got to our seats and despite ordering late they weren't the worst in the world. Yes they were to the side of the stage but we were pretty close. What I found strange, and Hongi confirmed using her concert attending experience, was that in front of the stage before the stands there were seats. Every time I've seen a concert on T.V this has been standing only. Must be the America factor, can't expect people to stand for the whole duration. Then again the crowd was a little older than I expected, Hongi and I were probably the youngest in our block. A little old biddy was on the front row and seemed to be thoroughly enjoying herself.
The warm up band, Aranda didn't set things up too well, in fact they reminded me of the reasons why I'd sooner just buy the CD rather than watch music. There was this guy with long hair which conveniently allowed him to throw his head back and forth and mess his hair up whilst he raised the rocker sign, the one where your forefinger and little finger are the only ones extended. All the while you can't hear any lyrics because the instruments are louder than the singer. Looks like I'm in for a long night.
After the warm-up band whose name escapes me, 3 Doors Down came on and gave a good show. I admit that I have nothing to compare it to (minus the warm up band), but I was happy. I don't know if it's experience on their part or just that the warm up band did it deliberately, but I could hear everything during 3 Doors Down. The balance between singer and instruments was perfect and therefore allowed me to enjoy the performance. Also the lead singer had short hair so there was no hair throwing. The show was to promote their Greatest Hits album that has been released. People did go a little loopy when they performed their big hit 'Kryptonite' and the lead singer from Daughtry came and sang along who had his hair shaved so again, no hair throwing.
Daughtry Likes To Get Closer To
The Crown That 3 Doors Down. He Near
As Damn In Jumped In
During the break I went to the men's room and was surprised to see that there was no queue for beer; typical when I can't drink. However, the queue for the food was huge, so different to any event in England. Daughtry came on shortly after and impressed me as well, I think I'll be stealing songs from Hongi's laptop next time I'm at her house. In return the guy from 3 Doors Down came on to sing a duet with Daughtry although I'm not sure if they're doing a cover or what but they sung Phil Collins' 'In The Air Tonight'. Everyone has a singer that they are embarrassed to admit that they like, mine is Phil Collins and when I heard them start up my heart sank. Please don't crucify a classic. I must admit though that they did a good job, despite the microphone for the 3 Doors Down guy not working for the first few lines of his part.
All in all it was a good night out away from my room and away from Elmer's Place. Maybe I'll be attending a few more concerts now that I've popped my cherry.
I'm not sure what I've done to anger God, or whatever spiritual being that may be watching over us, but since I've been in America I have survived an Earthquake, Hurricane, and now a Blizzard. He needs to try a little harder if he wants to send me down the River Styx early.
Early Evening, The Calm Before The Storm
We were warned in advance that a snow storm was coming, but after the whole commotion over the hurricane in October, and history of the media over exaggerating things to scare the public we didn't really listen to the warnings and ignored what was heading our way. During Friday it was just like any other snow, a light covering that looked pretty and provided ample ammunition for snowballs. As evening dawned, the winds picked up and the snow became heavier. From indoors it looked more like rain, but with the snow falling mixed with the snow being blown around I can confirm that it certainly was not rain. The canteen was closed early and we were advised to stay in our rooms with the windows closed for the evening. I didn't really listen to the advice and went to a friends hall to play board games before returning to my dorm later in the evening, my mistake.
Doogie Streaks Through The Blizzard
It was only when I looked on Facebook to find a video of a classmate who lives down the corridor from me streaking across Vance Lawn that I realised how bad the snow had become. An hour later someone attempting to cook had set off the fire alarm and everyone had to stand outside during the peak of the snow. 'So much for spending that extra £500 a semester for the posh residence hall', I thought as I ran through the knee deep snow, fighting for balance back to the homeless shelter which the residents politely call Carroll Hall.
One Of The Few Benches Visible
The Long Walk Back To Carroll
With the snow not looking to calm I went to sleep looking forward to a day making a snowman army across campus. How disappointed I was when I woke bright and early. The plan was to get breakfast and then begin. The canteen was closed until 1pm due to the snow, so no breakfast for me and a bad start to the day. As I wrapped up to head out into the cold wind to begin my army, I quickly realised that the snow was not the good stuff; it was more like powder. As the ice cold wind blew snow into my face I persevered in my snowman building only to see it crumble away, refusing to stick together. All this snow and I'm unable to build a snowman. I later learnt that it's the perfect snow for skiing, but that isn't going to do me any good in my snowman building is it? Defeated and disheartened I climbed my way through the snow back to my dorm to sulk as I waited for the canteen to open.
Walking to the canteen probably took three times longer than usual as the paths had still to be cleared. Steps were undetectable, benches had disappeared overnight, and people were getting stuck as they waded through waist high snow in a search for food. It was fun to see people jumping off high walls into the snow. Videos on the internet have seen people jumping off multistory car parks into the piles of snow below, not for me thanks. Two lads walked into the canteen with rubber rings that you are more likely to see at a water park. I'm guessing they came from up the hill and wanted to get here quicker.
Mohammed Looks To Back Flip
But Chickened Out
Apparently we are expecting another 15cm sometime during the week so hopefully I can build my snowman army then.
Referring back to Groundhog Day, I think that it is time that the official groundhog should no longer be, Punxsutawney Phil after that God awful prediction that Spring had arrived whilst Connecticut's, Chuckles VIII on her debut managed to give an accurate reading. Using my snowman army I will make it my mission to right this injustice.
WARNING: Footage contains strong language and nudity.
Doogie ticks off an item on his Bucket List.
I have a very awesome Bucket List filled with some ridiculous shenanigans, and #46 was to streak during a bad storm....it's safe to say the recent Nemo blizzard fit the description of "bad storm."
Despite the New England Patriots getting knocked out of the playoffs early doors, the Super Bowl is still a big thing in Connecticut. God knows what the hype would be like if they were in the final. Traditionally the Super Bowl is celebrated in America by going to somebody's house armed with case after case of crap American beer and various chicken wings, plonking your arse in front of the huge T.V and yelling at the screen regarding wrong plays, dropped catches, and crap passes.
The first problem - The Bet. When I made my pact for a dry February I didn't realise that the Super Bowl would be playing. I spent the evening drinking coke whilst my peers drank themselves into oblivion and my good old friend, Peer Pressure massaging my shoulders.
The second problem - its American Football. The closest I can relate to is the F.A Cup Final, Champions League Final, or last day of the season should it be a close call. I know the basics of the sport, and despite trying my hardest to get into it, I can't help thinking that it's a poor mans rugby. The shear number of breaks in play and advertisements make it laughable. I know that America loves its commercial breaks but this is silly, especially when every advertisement has one celebrity or another endorsing it. Evan jokes that by having a celebrity it convinces us to buy it, and without adverts how would we know that we needed something and what to buy?
Top 10 Adverts During The Game
Never having watched a Super Bowl, I was interested in the half time show and what it entailed. To be honest I was disappointed. Not being the biggest fan of Beyonce to begin with, I sat there waiting for her to sod off and see who else would be brought to the stage. Turns out that it was just Beyonce for the entirety. Did you know that the half time show was brought to you by Pepsi? Does that make you want to drink Pepsi? Thought not.
With the Ravens looking to walk away with the game after a 107 yard touchdown seconds into the restart, things turned chaotic when the lights went out and the game had to be stopped for the next 40 minutes or so. This additional break did wonders for the 49ers as they dominated the rest of the game but couldn't edge into the lead. It was a good end to the game and certainly made it exciting for a novice to the sport. I don't think I'll take up watching it addictively though - the Super League has just kicked off for one.
Having survived an evening of people pushing beer bottles in my face, I live for another day of the bet despite calls of, "If you lose early you kinda win 'cos you get to drink all February." Good call, but no. That $30 is mine.
Today is Groundhog Day in America, and no not the Bill Murray film. On the 2nd February every year, the states across America and their personal groundhog predict whether or not it is officially spring.
Chuckles VIII Gives Her Prediction
According to folklore, if it is cloudy when a groundhogemerges from its burrow on this day, thenspringwill come early; if it is sunny, the groundhog will supposedly see its shadow and retreat back into its burrow, and thewinterweather will continue for six more weeks. Modern customs of the holiday involve celebrations where early morning festivals are held to watch the groundhog emerging from its burrow. Connecticut's Chuckles VIII was in Manchester this year to reveal to the world her prediction. Despite it only being half an hours drive from where we are, the doors opened at 6am and I am not a morning person in the slightest. This was Chuckles VIII first appearance and she is keenly aware of her celebrity status as Connecticut's official groundhog. You may only see her sleeping, but that is because she is up all night consulting with meteorologist, examining satellite photos and reading her farmer's almanac. At 6.55am, when the sun rose Chuckles VIII gave the people of Connecticut the bad news as she scurried back into her burrow, alerting the world media that we will continue to freeze for another six weeks. This, however, was contradicted by Pennsylvania's, Punxsutawney Phil (the official groundhog) who claimed that we are to expect an early Spring. Only time will tell which groundhog is correct.