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I'm No Longer A Blue Devil |
Upon checking my email I was greeted with the following message:
Hi Phil,
I'm sad to say I'm going to have to fail you for the semester, as a substantial portion of your Portfolio is plagiarized. I've turned in an Academic Misconduct Report to the English Department Chair and the Office of Student Conduct, as well as evidence of the plagiarism (a copy of your paper with plagiarized sections highlighted and links to the sites from which you copied and pasted text. I'll attach it here as well.). I'm really disappointed that you tried to take the "easy" way out - and that some of your best lines were probably someone else's. And to be honest, I'm offended that you thought you could get one over on me and pass other people's work off as your own. I hope that this is a one-time error in judgment, but given the fact that it occurs in both papers you included in your portfolio, I tend to doubt it. I also hope it isn't something you're doing in your published pieces since, for that, you can get in a lot worse trouble than failing a course.Debbie
As the words slowly sank into my brain, my heart sank and my guts turned to mush. I was confused, what on earth had I done? As I clicked the file I began to scroll through my work until I found highlighted text. It turns out that my technique for writing complex info had landed me head first in the cow pat.
The portfolio was a complex information piece as well as a travel article about New Orleans. To help me structure the pieces and prevent myself from going off on a tangent never to return, I copy and paste research into a word file (this also prevents me flicking between windows on the laptop). I then work up to a particular 'cut and pasted' section, rewrite it, delete it, then work towards the next. I've used this technique numerous times since I was a secondary school and had never fallen foul. Upon reading my plagiarised (yes, spelt with an 'S' not a 'Z' Debbie) I noticed how in my rush to complete the paper, my rush to draw a line under my second year, my rush to celebrate a great year, I didn't proofread my work and notice that I hadn't deleted the copy and pasted sections.
In mad panic I sent a barrage of emails to my tutor here as well as back at UCLan. Personally I found it unprofessional to hurl accusations my way without allowing me to defend and or explain myself, for all she knew I simply uploaded the wrong file to the system. My tutor back home told me that everything would be ok, she would support me and said I could use her for a character reference. She told me to ask about an appeal and a possible re-submission. My tutor at CCSU just sent me an appeal link, nothing else. Surely this information should have been offered to me from the get go, not after asking?
My appeal letter read as follows:
Dear Dr. Cohen,
I am writing in
accordance to the recent accusation of academic misconduct for the course:
Creative Non Fiction II, Course Number: 375, Professor: Deborah Bradford.
Attached to this letter you fill
find the piece of work in which the accusation refers to. Now denying the fact
that it includes plagiarism would be ignorant and stupid of me. It is there in
black and white. My appeal is based upon a simple mistake and a writing
technique that obviously needs to change.
The reason that there is content in
the paper that is not mine is that when I begin a paper, I research the topic and
copy and paste segments into a word document for the sake of structure. By
doing this it allows me to write to a template, so to speak, and prevents me
going off on a tangent. This technique allows me to be as clear and concise as
As I begin the paper, I write up to,
and around the copy and pasted text, and then delete it. A bit like doing a
‘dot to dot’ and then deleting the dots once the paper is completed. The reason
that this paper contains content that is not mine is simply down to the fact
that I forgot to delete the copied text, and join up the segments before and
Plagiarism is something that I have
never been accused of in the past, and upon informing my tutor back in England
was told that she will support me to the fullest, as she knows that this is not
in my nature. Something that I believe my tutors at CCSU will back me up on.
Since being in America I have worked hard to gain a 3.75 GPA and have a good
relationship with my professors. If you wish to use them as a character reference
I’m sure they would speak highly of me.
D’Ambrosio – Magazine Writing (mary.dambrosio@...............)
Professor Dolan – Playwriting
Professor Dunne –
Advanced Composition (dunne@.............)
Professor Hazuka –
Creative Fiction II (hazukaj@.....................)
Professor Martin –
News Writing & Reporting II (martinv@.............)
Professor Shankar –
Poetry II (shankarr@............)
Professor Sweeney –
Intro To Broadcast News (sweeneyda@..................)
Frances – My tutor back home in England (cfrances@............)
I would even go as far as saying
that even Professor Bradford would agree that prior to this incident, I was
nothing but a solid member of the class who interacted and partook in every
aspect of the lessons. I was always punctual, and only missed class when it was
agreed between the two of us.
I am nearing 26 years of age and
returned to University to achieve something. I am not here, like many other
students, because I don’t want to join the real world or because I don’t know
what to do with my life. I’ve worked hard doing jobs that I’ve despised to save
up enough money to return to education so that I have the best options in the
future. I did not return to University to look for shortcuts, nor to cheat and
lie my way to a degree.
I am guilty of many things. I am
guilty of rushing, of being careless, of not paying close attention to line
level details, of a poor drafting process, of not fully understanding the
citing technique used at CCSU, and of not proof reading my work. I am, however,
not guilty of deliberate plagiarism.
I throw myself at the mercy of the
authorities to reconsider my failed grade and to consider the paper that I
should have handed in. The paper that I have sent to Professor Bradford, and the
paper that I have included in with this appeal.
I thank you very much for your time,
and your consideration. I hope that you can look at this from my point of view
and hope that you can give me a second chance. I wish to leave CCSU with good
Philip North
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My First Sight Of CCSU. Never Judge A Book By It's Cover |
In regards to finishing the course at UCLan, I panicked as I originally thought that they wouldn't allow me to continue into my 3rd year and I don't have the finance to repeat 2nd year. I have been reassured by my tutor that they will arrange for me to pick up another module to make up the credits needed to graduate, unfortunately odds are that my grade for this class will be capped at a bare pass.
Looking on the bright side, I get more information/classes for my tuition money. As teachers keep telling me, it's not about the grade you finish with, but the knowledge you get from the class.
So, all in all I finished with the following grades.
Creative Fiction II - A
Playwriting - A
Poetry - A-
Advanced Composition - B+
Creative Non Fiction II - F
News Writing & Reporting II - B+
Introduction To Broadcast News - B+
Magazine Writing - B+ lowered to a B
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