
Hi, my name is Phil North. I am currently a student at UCLan in Preston studying Creative Writing and Journalism and have been given the opportunity to study my second year at Central Connecticut State University. Here is where you will be able to find out about my experiences, opinions and just how well I'm adjusting to the US way of life.

To Be Fat Or Skinny

For those who don't know me, I eat a lot. The football team know me as the 'Basking Shark' who moves the fastest in the pub to get to the buffet first after a game, or for ordering multiple bags of Cheese & Onion crisps at the bar before polishing them off before my team mates blink. My parents also have to foot the bill for my eating habits as it won't be 30 minutes after my evening meal before I'm rummaging in the fridge for something else to eat, usually a full size pizza. Now this is all managed with a healthy amount of football each week. However, in America there is no football and unlimited portions of food at the canteen. Unless I start to do something, things may end up turning a little bit apple shaped. So to the gym it is, and to make sure I keep on top of it, a weekly weigh in will be posted up on here. Now I think I started around 13 - 131/2 st back home but I can't be certain.

Thursday 25th October - 190lb or 13st 8lb or 86.2 kilograms
Discovered that the weighing scales in the gym are temperamental, so we're going for the best of three.

Friday 2nd November - 191lb or 13st 8lb or 86.6 kilograms

Friday 9th November - 195lb or 13st 13lb or 88.45 kilograms
Seems that running every morning, cutting down on drinking, and spending most afternoons in the gym isn't doing very much. Tempted to resort back to my old lazy self, but Coach won't be happy with me!

Friday 23rd November - 201lb or 14st 4lb or 91.18 kilograms
It has been Thanksgiving though!

Wednesday 28th November - 206lb or 14st 10lb or 93.4 kilogram

Wednesday 5th December - 200lb or 14st 4lb or 90.72 kilogram

Whilst away for Christmas I will be unable to find any weighing scales. Also With Jon's Grandma feeding me until I pop, it's probably best that I avoid one for a while. New Years Resolution, to be fighting fit by the time I return to England. To those who know me, if I keep this up until February it'll be an achievement.

Tuesday 15th January - 200lb or 14st 4lb or 90.72 kilogram
I seem to be a little bit tubbier than when I left for Christmas. I can now grab chunks on my sides - not good.

Wednesday 23rd January - 208lb or 14st 11lb or 94.35 kilogram
With Football training about to start I should be able to get a more accurate reading.

Tuesday 29th January - 196lb or 14st 0lb or 88.90 kilogram

Evan decided to bring some scales back from home after suspicions were raised over the accuracy of the gym's scales. Slight confusion now weighs on our minds after a margin of 15lb difference was read between the two for Evan and I. Ethan on the other hand has the same reading on both. From now on I'll be harsh on myself and go off Evan's scales as they are more readily available, despite the reading being a little depressing.

Tuesday 5th February - 210lb or 15st 0lb or 95.25 kilogram

Monday 18th February - 206lb or 14st 10lb or 93.44 kilogram

Saturday 6th April - 208lb or 14st 11lb or 94.35 kilogram

Saturday 11th May - 203.4lb or 14st 7lb or 92.26 kilogram

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