
Hi, my name is Phil North. I am currently a student at UCLan in Preston studying Creative Writing and Journalism and have been given the opportunity to study my second year at Central Connecticut State University. Here is where you will be able to find out about my experiences, opinions and just how well I'm adjusting to the US way of life.

Saturday 27 April 2013

Spring & Kendrick Lamar and Steve Aoki

Time To Get My Lobster On
Spring has finally arrived in Connecticut, thank God. After a terrible winter of hurricanes and blizzards, it has suddenly become a normality to sit on a grassy knoll and people watch, whilst turning my ghostly pale English skin into that of a tomato. Then again, I was always told, that should you not succeed then to try, try again. I don't recommend burning skin that is already sunburnt, but on the other hand, after multiple days sat in the sun I no longer burn; persistence does in fact pay off. Then again I am reluctant to take my top off and force the locals to witness Casper The Friendly Ghost in the flesh, so to speak. Originally I burnt so much that I looked like a walking lobster, now although people may say I'm red, in relevance to my history I would say that I am a reddish brown; the best that I can hope for since I was a child playing football in the fields all day. Evan on the other hand, due to skipping the occasional class during the high sun, is a strange sight with a golden brown colour but with bright blond curly hair and blue eyes. Slightly freakish.

Currently there is a Spring Concert going on at the University with Kendrick Lamar and Steve Aoki. Call me a geek or whatever, but I've never heard of this pair, ever. Now the Spanish girls told me that these pair are fantastic and the best in the world, but after hearing a bit of their stuff, I decided against it. I only go to places that play this kind of music when I'm too drunk to know where I am, and to a place that serves. The fact that CCSU is a dry campus kind of defeats the object. All I remember was my opening couple of weeks here when there was a silent disco (you wear headphones with multiple stations to listen to). I stood on the edge holding out my hand as if I had a pint in it, when in fact it was empty. I couldn't help it, it seemed natural to me. Meanwhile the rest of the students were acting like English when drunk, despite being sober. It seemed so strange. This was my first experience of culture shock. I never went to an under 18 disco in England, (luckily I was over 6 foot and could get served at an early age, also Papa North educated me sufficiently)  but I don't understand how you can dance like an idiot sober as a judge? Then again, to be honest I do have to be a little worse for wear to take to the dancefloor - at 6 foot 4 inch, no matter how you dance, you look like a pillock.

After having a few ciders (I have converted the American's I've come in contact with to cider) before the concert, or school disco, I sit in my room doing laundry. Am I left out? No. I'd feel awkward and in need of beer. On the other hand I wish I could see Evan in full cowboy gear at a Dance party. Swings and roundabout I guess. Meanwhile, Eastern Connecticut State University are having the Goo Goo Dolls play at their Spring Concert. Hongi and I are planning to crash it tomorrow - wish us luck.

With only a couple of weeks to go before the end of the semester, I am doing a lot better than the last. I can't see any panic days before deadline day sat typing page after page of rushed work. Parents - a bit of praise for this please. The thing is that I get kicked out of my dorm earlier than I thought. Again, luck is on my side as Hongi (she lives off campus) is travelling the west coast from next week and has a free paid room. After talking to her roommates, I am more than welcome to occupy the room as long as I pay utilities. This means that Evan and I can continue to sit in the sun and top up on our skin cancer whilst finding jobs on Graigslist to fun our alcoholism.

Below are music videos of what I'm apparently missing out on.

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