
Hi, my name is Phil North. I am currently a student at UCLan in Preston studying Creative Writing and Journalism and have been given the opportunity to study my second year at Central Connecticut State University. Here is where you will be able to find out about my experiences, opinions and just how well I'm adjusting to the US way of life.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Auf Wiedersehen, Pet.

The great migration back to Europe has begun, albeit via the west coast of America. Hongi is the first, typical German, to free herself from the clutches of Connecticut as she met up with her parents in New York before flying out to California. 
I Will Hit Hongi With The Spatula. Just
A Moment Of Time

I must say that if it wasn't for the German efficiency inbred into Hongi, I probably wouldn't have seen America as easily as I have. She organised hotels, buses, everything; well minus the trip to Texas when it was left wide open - half the fun of a road trip I guess. If it was left up to Erik and I, things would have been left until the last minute on more than one occasion. 

Stupid Hongi!
Before she left the plan was to gatecrash Eastern Connecticut State University's spring concert as they had the Goo Goo Dolls performing, another of our favourite bands. Unfortunately, Hongi came down with a cold putting a halt to our trip. It also collided with a surprise BBQ that her housemates had prepared for her. Maybe when they come to England or Germany, Hongi.

It Cost Evan And I $10 To Get Hongi To
Dance On The Bar At 'Coyote Ugly'
Just before leaving for the Big Apple to meet her parents we met up on campus and did the whole goodbye thing. This was easy as Hongi is very much like myself, no tears, no big drama, just a hug, a wave, and a goodbye. Job done! I can't see this being as simple with the Spanish Girls. 

I have already been alerted that a return flight from Manchester to Stuttgart (Hongi's University) are roughly £70-80. I do like the sound of a German Stein.

My year in America just wouldn't have been the same without the constant abuse I suffered from Hongi, whether it be verbal or in a text. She was vicious, and the fact she did it with a smile on her face and a laugh in her voice did little to ease the pain. I will, however, take the higher ground and wish Hongi all the best with whatever she decides to do next. All the best, Auf Wiedersehen, Pet!

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