
Hi, my name is Phil North. I am currently a student at UCLan in Preston studying Creative Writing and Journalism and have been given the opportunity to study my second year at Central Connecticut State University. Here is where you will be able to find out about my experiences, opinions and just how well I'm adjusting to the US way of life.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Washington DC

Erik and Stefanie had already departed for Washington on Thursday afternoon, getting there in the evening and went straight to bed. Hongi and I followed on at 11pm after having a couple of beers in Hartford. After drinking Bud Light for so long, it was nice to find Hoegaarden on draft. It's hardly Strongbow, but it's better than American ale, Hongi seemed to like it anyway.

A Deserted Times Square
First we had to get the bus to New York, getting there for about 2.30am. With no room for us to sit alongside each other we both resorted to sitting with randomers. This doesn't bother me as I don't need to rest my head on anyone to sleep, but I did notice Hongi using the guy next to her as a pillow. Poor lad. Arriving in New York we were rather surprised, apparently this is the city that never sleeps, yet what we found was empty streets and closed shops? It's rather rare to get a picture in Time Square when it's empty. 

On the bus to Washington we once again had to sit with strangers as we made our way south. Our estimated time of arrival was 8am but unfortunately our bus broke down near Maryland and we had to sit around for 2 hours whilst we waited for a replacement. I ate a Dunken' Donuts, although 2 would have been better, and fell asleep on the bench. Finally we managed to get to Washington when our replacement bus arrived. 

Flying The Blue & White Halves
We checked into our Hostel which was surprisingly nice. Very small in comparison to others, but very welcoming. We rang Erik to find that he and Stef had befriended 3 German lads, poor Sweden was being surrounded and invaded! I don't think I have ever walked as much as I did this day as we wandered around the capitol city looking at monument after monument. Everything was spotlessly clean and reminded me slightly of London, just without as many cars or people. Also the Metro system is rubbish, the tickets don't work all the time and we rarely all got through the gate in the same instance. One of us would have a problem.
Me, Stefanie, Hongi, Erik, & The 3 German Lads Whose Names Escape Me Sorry

As we walked the streets, my day was made when a shout from an open top bus of 'ROVERS' was heard across the street as I flew the blue and white flag. Sorry but it has to be done. The day was perfect for sightseeing as the sky was clear and the temperature very warm. I'm quite surprised that I didn't burn, and amused that the German lads did. After our first day of sightseeing, we went for tea and I had my first taste of Sushi. Surprisingly I found it rather good and even managed to master chopsticks, although getting cramp in my hands resulted in me resorting back to the good old knife and fork.

Day 2 saw us visit the Capitol building and learn the history of America. I don't think I could repeat anything that I was told as this collided with the football back home, so for the most part I was looking at my phone following Rovers on the internet. And then the Rugby Final. Not very cultured of me but I have my priorities. We then went to the Pentagon and the memorial that is now there from 9/11, followed by a trip to Arlington National Cemetery. Personally I would have come here first to walk all around it, but we ended up getting there at 4.15 and the place shut at 5pm. This meant that we missed the opportunity to take a little trolley round the cemetery and learn about each section. 

Once we made our way home, we showered and changed and went to witness the delights of a night out in Washington. Luckily Stefanie met some friends who allowed us to join in with their "Happy 3 Hours" that they had won in a competition the night previously. $3 a drink rather than $6, can't complain in the slightest. The only annoying thing is that pubs tend to be spread out rather than in a strip so we ended up walking a fair distance to get from drink to drink. 

Europe On Tour
For the final day we did a bit of shopping and relaxed. We split up in the afternoon as Stefanie and I wanted to go to the Holocaust Museum whilst Hongi and Erik wanted to go to the Air & Space Museum. After experiencing a WWII Museum with a German (never thought I'd do that), Stefanie and Erik returned back to Connecticut in the afternoon leaving Hongi and I on our own until 10pm. Unfortunately the weather wasn't as kind to us on the final day as the heavens opened. We did however stumble across a festival that was starting that evening, where all the local businesses have stalls selling their wares for cheaper; mainly food and drink. There was also a stage at the front so I assume that some bands would be playing. Trying to escape the rain, with brolly in hand we went to start our Presidential Campaigns in our new home, and it seems that I was rather successful in doing so. 

President North

Returning home, we slept the entire way - minus the 2 hour break in New York - with Hongi fast asleep on my shoulder for the entire trip. Apparently I make a bloody good pillow.

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