
Hi, my name is Phil North. I am currently a student at UCLan in Preston studying Creative Writing and Journalism and have been given the opportunity to study my second year at Central Connecticut State University. Here is where you will be able to find out about my experiences, opinions and just how well I'm adjusting to the US way of life.

Friday 4 January 2013

Butterfly World

Brenda is currently doing a course at a Boston University that it based around art (I think) therefore she always has a camera in hand taking pictures. As this is also a passion she goes out of her way to find nice shots, so today we went to the Butterfly World.
This Little Bugger Was Hiding
In The Treetops

Flying The Blue & White Flag
Here there is a laboratory, a butterfly aviary, garden and butterfly emerging area, tropical rainforest, grace gardens, bird aviary, English rose garden, and lorikeet encounter. As we walked in it really is beautiful as the butterflies dance around you as you walk through the gardens. A wide range of colours and species surround you as you walk through but unfortunately I couldn't find a blue and white one, the closest being blue and black but I'd say that was more of an Inter Milan butterfly rather than Rovers. 
'Do It Like They Do On The Discovery Channel'

After walking through the butterfly bit I was happy to see some parrots although they didn't want to speak to me; ignorant, ignorant indeed. When we went into the lorikeet bit you could feed them and have them land on your arms, shoulder, etc. Now despite being 25 years old, I found it more interesting watching a couple do it Discovery Channel style on one of the beams. 
How Many Butterflies Can You See?

How Do You Make Flowers Prettier?
Stick A Numpty In Front Of Them
 I was quite disappointed with the flowers, mainly the English rose garden as there weren't very many in bloom despite the nice weather. It looked as if the majority were dead as if they were at the end of the season. That and there weren't even a Lancashire Rose, nor Yorkshire. Disgraceful.

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