
Hi, my name is Phil North. I am currently a student at UCLan in Preston studying Creative Writing and Journalism and have been given the opportunity to study my second year at Central Connecticut State University. Here is where you will be able to find out about my experiences, opinions and just how well I'm adjusting to the US way of life.

Thursday 3 January 2013


After spending New Years Day the English way, being hungover and watching the Darts Final at the 'Ally Pally' it was back to exploring Florida. Jon's Grandparents are big fishers and managed to get us on a boat to try it out. Jon and Brenda aren't the biggest fans of fishing but I thought I'd give it a go. It's hardly as if I'm doing it like they do back home. Up to your waist in freezing cold water whilst wearing waders in the wind and rain.
That Boat Screams 'You're Going To Be Sick'

As we got to the boat the first thing that I saw was a vision of me as a child throwing up everywhere when I was in Tenerife whilst going out to see the whales and dolphins. As more and more people got onto the boat, and I realised how close together we were going to be, I prayed that I wouldn't cover everyone in the turkey sandwiches I had for breakfast. 

As we boarded we picked up our rods and picked a spot. Jon's Grandma ordered us to the back of the boat as apparently you get better luck there. Sounds stupid but I am one of those people that use the same urinal before every Rovers game. The boat set off and things seemed fine; I'll admit that I'm not the biggest fan of boats but my stomach was fine. Equipped with camera for a picture of my catch, or a picture of my projectile vomit, either would provide entertainment.

Not A Bad View Though
We finally stopped off and dropped our lines in to drift away in hope of catching something. When the guy on board hooked up my bait with a mackerel (something I would have been happy catching) I realised that there were bigger fish to be caught. As I waited seagulls followed suit and ended up thinking I was a toilet. Apparently in America it is good luck to be pooed on by a seagull anywhere on your body. In England we're a little bit more particular as it must be on one of your shoulders, can't remember which. Hopefully as I'm in America, it would give me luck and help me land something big. 
Feeling Fine, Surprisingly

Time marched on, 4 hours in fact marched on, and my line remained unbitten. The only time I got a little excited was when it got caught on a lobster trap, other than that I just started to feel more and more unwell. Not to the point of being in danger of sharing my breakfast, but enough to make sure I didn't look anywhere but the horizon or my rod as I prayed for the boat to kick up and move again. I only felt bad when we were stationary as the boat didn't rock when the motor kicked in. 

Out of the four of us, only Jon's Grandma caught anything but had to throw it back because it was a little too big. I guess fishing isn't my sport.

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