
Hi, my name is Phil North. I am currently a student at UCLan in Preston studying Creative Writing and Journalism and have been given the opportunity to study my second year at Central Connecticut State University. Here is where you will be able to find out about my experiences, opinions and just how well I'm adjusting to the US way of life.

Thursday 17 January 2013

First Week Back

A week into the new semester and things are going well although being re-introduced to the gym and the exercise bike was not the best in the world. Four week laying around in the sun with a beer in hand and now I'm waking up in agony and struggling to walk up stairs. I hate that bike. Back to chocolate milk and bananas. Oh, I have yet to find a banana milkshake in America, also they don't have prawn cocktail crisps!
Proper Snow, Unlike Home
The Spanish girls are not too happy with the weather here as 3-4 inches of snow cover the university. I do have to give it to the Americans though, they don't panic when the snow hits and manage to get things ship shape in no time. The University closed until 10.40am; you don't get a snow day, just a morning whilst they sort out the paths and roads. Much better than England when there are wet leaves on the rails or a millimetre of snow and everyone panics.

Lessons seem to be ok so far, my broadcast tutor is a weatherman on the local T.V. and my play writing tutor is an actual play write which is apparently rare to have in a teacher, either that or she's just bigging herself up. For magazine writing we have to subscribe to a magazine of our choice, with no sign of Nuts, FHM, Score, or Furniture & Cabinet Making, I'm a little stuck as to which mag to go for. Evan and I are going to a big book/magazine store to have a gander over the weekend.

25 Year Old Paperboy
I was introduced to Mohammed on opening day to find that he is a senior who no longer wants to drive to and from University everyday. He is an Iraqi refugee and moved here three years ago not speaking a word of English, however speaking to him you would never have guessed. I'd still be talking like Manuel from Faulty Towers a decade after moving to a new country.

I thought I had got myself a job as a paperboy after being told at the interview to keep an eye on my email as they want to get me signed up as soon as possible. I then received an email saying that the job had gone elsewhere. Why tell someone they have got the job just to tell them it has gone to a friend of theirs no doubt? 

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